Quick developing the home fast food with distinctive Chinese features is imperative under the circumstances 加速发展具有中国特色的中式快餐势在必行
But, owing to their distinctive circumstances and their distinctive identity& the life style of the fisherman's wife appeared different characteristics in three historical periods of pre-liberation, 1949-1978 and post-1978. 但因其独特的生存环境和渔民老婆这个独特的身份标志,在1949年前、1949-1978年、1978年后三个历史时期又呈现出不同的富于海岛特色的生活演变图景。
While sentencing offering bribes, shall confirm different legal punishment according to distinctive circumstances of offering bribes. 在对行贿罪量刑时,应根据行贿罪的不同情节确定不同的法定刑。